Books for Children

Potremmo anche essere amici (We might as well be friends). Città Nuova, 2020. A story set in a forest on the slopes of high mountains. In the light of the full moon a playful friendship is born between two young beasts – a wolf and a fawn – belonging to species that should be enemies. But there is someone who doesn’t like this. A fable to say that one must not give in to blackmail but trust in the community

Ma perché proprio io? (But why me?) Città Nuova, 2022 It is a funny story which, however, contains a moral judgment on the rejection of a sense of responsibility. A fire breaks out in the African savannah but none of the animals takes on the task of facing a danger that affects them all.

Io sono il re?! 2010. Publisher: Prìncipi & Princípi. Picture book, format 21×28 hardback. Pags 32.
A lion in a severe crisis of identity, which he believes to be the king of animals but is facing, always, someone who is more agile, stronger, smarter than him..


E’ più forte di me! 2011. Publisher: Prìncipi & Princípi. Picture book, format 21×28, hardback. Pags 32.
A voracious shark lets ingenuous octopus down, but at the end of the story the moral superiority of the mollusc will came out.

illustrazioni - cammello
libri - io sono il re
libri - è piu forte di me
libri - animaux compassés
libri - a notte tonda
libri - circotondo


Publishers: Italy, Fatatrac 1987; France, Dessain et Tolra 1991; Spain, Susaeta 1991; Iran, Reihan 1989. Activity picture book, hard cover, size cm. 21×21, 32 pages.
Series of three titles: Animali Compassati, A notte tonda, Circocircotondo.

This is a book series where I represented the most common big animals, drawing them exclusively with compasses. Every single line that composes them is a circle or a section of it. Colour and volume are added by airbrush. With this book I was awarded in 1988 the Andersen Prize as best Italian illustrator.

libri - piccolo grande dino
libri - piccolo grande dino
libri - piccolo grande dino
illustrazioni - piccolo grande dinosauro

The stories of Dino

Publisher: Italy, EL, series “Le letture dei piccoli”.

Series of three titles:
Piccolo Grande Dino 2000, Piccolo Grande Dino in fuga dallo zoo 2002, Piccolo Grande Dino torna a casa 2004
I invented the character of a little dinosaur that finds itself living in our time. His adventures telling the story of the growth and discovery of the surrounding world by a cumbersome dinosaur puppy arriving from another time, rather then from another geographical space.

libri - il principe e il barbuto
libri - il piu peloso dei mostri pelosi
libri - in fondo al lago
libri - in fondo al lago

Il principe e il barbuto, 1995. Publisher: Piccoli, pocket-book series “Topo di biblioteca”, tells in a grotesque way how friendship can be born from diversity.

Il Più Peloso Dei Mostri Pelosi, 1996. Publisher: Piccoli, pocket-book series “Topo di biblioteca is my personal environmental version of the story of Yeti.

In fondo al lago Fatatrac, 1992. Publisher: Italy, Fatatrac, size cm 20×14, hard cover; display-castle size cm. 35x30x30.
The story of three children that go on a school excursion and end up in the middle of a lake where a monster lives. is A menacing event recurs in each story of the series, upsetting the everyday life of a child. But only thanks to his own capacities, with no need for any external help, the child will be able to rescue.

libri - savana
libri - giungla

Animali Sottosotto. Publisher: Italy, Franco Panini ragazzi 1994; France, F.P. editions 1994.

Four books: Savana, Giungla, Deserto, Oceano Size cm. 23×22.

libri - deserto
libri - oceano

This is a series of punched board books, that I conceived, wrote and illustrated for pre-school children on the subject of habitats. A spiral base holds the 7 cardboard pages together. The pages grow in height so to simulate, like wings, a physical environment: wave-pages; dune-pages; grass-pages; bush-pages.

libri - mostri di casa mia

Mostri di casa mia Fatatrac. 1991. Publisher: Italy, Fatatrac. Size cm. 21×22.
A game-book where pages are alternatively punched, in order to show a detail that two different images have in common. The subject is ambiguity of forms.

Imagination shows us terrifying scenes and characters, starting from a detail, that in the next page turns out to belong to everyday life’s objects.

libri - mostri di casa mia
libri - le strisce

Gira e Scopri. Publisher: Italy, Giunti.

Series of four titles:
Le macchie, Le strisce 1989; I tondi, I fiocchi 1990. Size: closed cm.16×16, opened cm. 64×48 approximately.

This is a series of punched board books, that I conceived, wrote and illustrated. Unrolling these sort of poster-books, we realize that the detail showing in the starting page belongs to an animal, plant, or object that on its turn belongs to a landscape.


libri - quando c'erano i dinosauri
libri - animali della preistoria
libri - atlante dei dinosauri

Dinosaurs and more.
Publisher: Italy, Emme edizioni.

libri - animali a casa loro
libri - animali della fattoria
libri - tanti sport

For the “Per cominciare” series, I wrote and illustrated this series of pre-school educational pocket books. The by far prevailing subject is animals.

Animali a casa loro (1996); Quando c’erano i dinosauri (1997); Tanti sport (1997); Animali della preistoria (1999); Atlante dei dinosauri (2000); Animali della fattoria (2001)

illustrazioni - dinosauri
Copyright Daniele Nannini - Via del Campuccio 14 - 50125 Florence, Italy - phone: +39 340 8528900
All rights reserved. Use any materials on this website is prohibited without the permission of Daniele Nannini
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