8 June 2022
Animali in gabbia

On 10 June 2022 the collective exhibition opens:

animals without hierarchies in the imagination of 15 artists

Curator Sergio Tossi


Neal Barab, Massimo Barzagli, Marco Bettio, Paolo Canevari, Alberto Conti, Manuel Cossu, Vanni Cuoghi, Arnold M. Dall’O, Fulvio Di Piazza, Marco Fallani Klee, Paolo Maione, Luca Matti, Daniele Nannini, Douglas Robinson, Amber Sena.

Set up in the headquarters of Atelier Dimension Verde – an architecture studio specializing in the design of parks and gardens – the exhibition focuses on the animal world as seen by artists, trying, through different techniques, different styles and theoretical approaches, to outline one ” atypical zoo”, without hierarchies.

The exhibition will be open until 23 September (from Monday to Friday – 10.30 / 17.30) possibly by calling or sending a whatsapp to 345 3363393 at the Dimension
Verde headquarters – Via di Compiobbi, 2 – Loc. Vallina – Bagno a Ripoli – Florence

Copyright Daniele Nannini - Via del Campuccio 14 - 50125 Florence, Italy - phone: +39 340 8528900
All rights reserved. Use any materials on this website is prohibited without the permission of Daniele Nannini
You can find my works on artemest.com | saatchiart.com | singulart.com